Close Reading a Film
Title/Opening Credits: The title "The Wrong Trousers" was chosen as foreshadowing for a line in the short film when Wallace falls into the trousers in his normal morning routine and says: "These are the wrong trousers!".
Story/Plot/Narrative: In the plot of this short story it shows Wallace trying to find a new roommate after being in debt. This new roommate ends up being a massive burglar named Feathers who plans to use "the wrong trousers" to carry out a heist involving a diamond in the museum.
Motif: There are many motifs in this short film. Some involving the ominous tone of music whilst Feathers is on the screen, or when he is doing a devilish deed. Also there is an ominous tone in music while the wrong trouser are shown on screen.
Characterization: The central characters of this film is Wallace, Grommit, and Feathers. Most of the emotions in this film came from Grommit, and how he became jealous over Wallace being with Feathers for most of his time. But the character with the exact opposite of those emotions was Feathers, and how he had a very blank emotion throughout the entire film, and showed no expressions or emotions.
Scenes and Sets: This films locations is presumably in England seeing how Wallace is English
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