Sunday, November 29, 2015

Video Progress Report

So far in my video assignment I haven't had much progress, except for a concept of an idea. What I thought about doing was a parody of a song, but the song is undetermined. I may end up having another idea that would end up better for me, but that is also undecided. So in conclusion, all I have about the video is a planning sheet with an idea that is still unprecedented to me. But in the near future I will have an idea, and hopefully make a nice project off of it. An idea that I did have which is SUPER original...(not really)... is a parody of the the Kesha song, but I don't think i will be rolling with that idea at all mainly because it doesn't interest me that much, and it was just the only thing i could think about since the song was stuck in my head non stop for some unholy reason, and every time I looked at the story board paper I thought about that song. It's a vicious cycle that I'd prefer to not happen. But my video will include music, that is also undecided since I don't have an actual video made, let alone an idea... But I hope that in the end I do complete this assignment.

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