Thursday, May 5, 2016

Personal Profile

Favorite movie: Godzilla (2015)
Favorite Genre: Action/Comedy
Favorite Book: Marvel's Civil War(Comic)
Favorite Musical Artist: Metallica
10 Years?: College, in school on a successful path
Something About me People Don't Know: Pretty much everything

I need to have an energy drink every day.
I am saving up for a new car because the one i have currently have is not the most reliable thing in the world.
When i was little i remember that i always embarrassed myself in many different.
The best thing anyone has ever said to me is when my parents tell me they love me (awwww)
The worst thing anyone has ever said to me is best unsaid.
I am excited by the movie Captain America Civil War when i see it tomorrow
If i were elected President of the US, my first act as President would be to fix American after what Trump has done to it.

Writing: 8/10
Acting: 7.5/10
Organization: 8/10
Directing: 9/10
Videography: 7/10
Editing: 5/10
Conceptualizing: 9/1-0
Makeup: 0/10
Costuming: 4/10
Technical skills: 5/10

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